They say if you want to live long, you should laugh for at least ten minutes every day. Before you go HA, HA, let me assure you there's nothing funny behind this statement.In fact, it"s a layman version of a medical fact; laughter exercises your lungs and keeps them fit and healthy.
Humour is a very important ingredient of life. Besides bringing joy, it adds a few extra moments to our lives ( remember the medical fact ). In advertising humour is the last resort of advertising running short of ideas. The rationale being " one can be funny about just anything ".However, humour in advertising is no laughing matter. It should be approached with caution because the dividing line between clowning and humour is very thin. On the other hand it is also true that the ad campaigns which move into public consciousness quickest and stay there,are the funny ones.
To most, including us advertising people, humour means " puns ". But puns are the lowest form of wit. However, a good, appropriate pun is always welcome. For example, hoardings for Amul Butter are always very timely and topical. Remember " Miyan ki dad se sharma gaye " it was when Miandad hit a six on Chetan Sharma's last ball in that famous Sharjah match.
Humour in advertising can be divided into three broad categories: HAH, HMM and HA-HA.
HAH: these are humor ads which fall flat or create unintended humour or worse still invite contempt. The saddest part is that most of our " humour advertising " are of this type. I remember seeing an advertisement for stainless steel fasteners which said ( in big, bold types ), " You Could Get Screwed ". I don't know whether writer was trying to be funny, clever or sharing his experience.
HMM: Advertisements of this kind never fail to evoke a smile. Responses range from "It's nice to","I like it".
I would classify maggi sauce T.V. commercial( It's different,series),under this category.Also the highly successful,meri jaan,meri jaan,sunday ke sunday commercial for National Egg Coordination Committee.
HA,HA: Unforgettable.That's what advertisements are under this category.But unfortunately there are not many contenders.The all time greats could be only Amul Butter.
Oflate manufacturers have started generating a good deal of humour.unintended humour off course.One manufacturer has named his range of undergarments " LYRIL".I suppose USP now will be," The freshness underwear".Another has come up with "AMUL"( utterly,butterly) under-wears.
A soap manufacturer almost launched his brand of toilet soap under the brand name of "HUG", till someone pointed out its meaning in Hindi.Boy!It would have been a stinker.
So, fellow-admen just think twice before you try to be funny. After all no one likes to do business with a clown.
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