Thursday, May 31, 2012


It was in the decade of 90s. I was Media Director of RADEUS and a member of Advertising Agencies Association O f India's Training And Professional Development Commitee.
I used to request every media house owner,who used to visit me to promote their media vehicles that please keep your media rate card sancrocsent. Reason, fiddling with media rate card had just begun.
My biggest worry was that there will be a day when traders will take over our profession and that would be the end of the profession in this country.
Reading today's Mid-Day confirmed my fear. There is a full page advertisement which reads " Calling all Media Savvy buyers, Agencies & Entrepreneurs
Want to get the maximum bang for your money...
Lowest Rates 
The advertisement also go on to give slabs for buying...Rs 25 lacs, 50 lacs, 1 crore, 3 crore, 5 crore
they promise that they will get rates lower than prevailing lowest rates in the market. My qquestion is how do you decide what is the lowest prevailing rate in the market?
Should you buy something for Rs 10.00, I may buy it with my skills for Rs 7.00
Or all media are going to publish their lowest rate cards?
Media Planning and Media Buying is a mix of Science and Art which must lead to commerce' i mean business for clients. Keeping their cash register ticking.
I do not know who are the people promoting this " GOLD MAX TRADE N BIZ PVT. LTD. " and how much do they know about media planning. According to me today's the saddest day for all media planners that their profession has finally been converted into TRADE, i hang my head in shame.
The only Media House which neve ever caved in business pressures and never compromised on their rate card is The Hindu and I salute TheHindu and wish other media houses too had similar spine.
